Food 24 results
  • Patti’s Hertfordshire Living feature on Spice

    Welcome to my multi-page spread in Hertfordshire Living Magazine! Bringing food to life with a world of spice!                      
  • Curried Chicken Liver Pasties

    This is a perfect summer afternoon treat, when a few friends are coming round and you know they love liver and love anything wrapped in pastry!  So here are my mini curried chicken liver pasties. The star ingredient is Seasoned Pioneers South African curry powder with its delicious aroma making it extra tasty, one you will make and enjoy again and again. Shop-bought shortcrust pastry is perfectly fine. Keep leftovers in the fridge for a special snack - just don't tell anyone they're ...
  • Chicken Zanzibar

          Curries, casseroles, tagines, stews, what have they got in common?... flavours kicking and screaming from one pot! This weekend I’ve enjoyed chicken curry with Zanzibar Curry Powder from Seasoned Pioneers, the aroma in the house was heaven! The smell seduced my son away from his laptop to find out what was cooking! I had to admire his impatience, or patience, as he waited for me to take some pics (if that makes any sense).  After a heaped serving, he ...
  • Monkey Business

    Before I go away to Ghana on holiday, I find myself dreaming of all the tasty treats I've missed, so ...wait for this ...I list all the things I look forward to eating! (don't laugh I'm serious). A popular street food I love and a childhood favourite has to be boiled monkey nuts, sold by street hawkers everywhere you turn.     This is closely followed by corn and peanuts wrapped tightly in corn husks and steamed till tender (a bit like a Mexican tamale), called ...
  • From Rice-water to Caramelised rice pudding!

      Rice-water may sound humble but believe me, when it ends up as a delicious rice pudding you will want second and third helpings! In Ghana rice-water is a breakfast porridge. It is simply rice with water, simmered until the rice disintegrates and served with sugar and evaporated milk. My mum made rice water as a Sunday evening supper, after a rather large Sunday lunch, often chicken peanut butter soup… I have to say, the rice-water didn’t really excite me, as I missed her ...
  • CNN enjoys African Superfoods

    This is exciting news - African food is gaining momentum. Soon after sharing news from the British Medical Journal the Lancet, that Ghanaian food was in the top ten healthiest diets in the world, I see CNN is also talking about African superfoods. Some of these superfood dishes, and many others, are in my book A Plate in the Sun. They're easy to cook and ingredients are easy to find. Give them a go! The fruit of the baobab is one of many in the ever growing list of African superfoods ...
  • National pie week with Patti’s pies

    Hi Everyone, as it's National Pie Week, I thought I'd share a couple of delicious pie recipes with you, especially as I come from a country which is big on meat pie snacking. Every shape, every size and every filling.  In Ghana I've even found cooked pasta finding its way into a pie! When it comes to pies, I don't think there is a right or wrong way, just what your taste buds suggest.  Here are two of my favourite fillings, corned beef and curried chicken livers. Don't even try ...
  • Ghanaian foods ranked the 6th best in the world

    We all knew it, but guess what,  - Ghana is in the world top 10 for healthiest diets. Britain's Mail Online's health pages summarises an article in "The Lancet" that identifies Ghana has the 6th best diet in the world. Not just Africa, but the world!! Viasat 1 Ghana gives a similar write-up I met a lovely guest, Nicola Neal, on a cooking course at the Novelli Academy and we've since become good friends and lunch buddies. She suggests in her blog "Feeding my intolerant Child" ...
  • Valentine cheesy beef and lamb meatballs with pasta

      Here’s my quick, easy and special treat for that special Valentine person – Cheesy beef and lamb meatballs with pasta.           I've used chopped baby spinach instead of fresh herbs and the colourful red peppers are sweet and juicy, just like your loved one!             Sweet and juicy roasted red peppers  
  • Patti’s Winter Warming Chocolate and Berry Porridge

    If I had to choose my favourite breakfast for a cold winter’s day it has to be warming chocolate and berry porridge! Delicious and easy and one everyone, especially children will fall in love with.     Simply follow the instructions on a packet of oats. Once the porridge begins to bubble is when it starts to get interesting. Stir in your favourite extracts, perhaps vanilla or almond, and sweeten with honey.           A ...