Yam 2 results
  • Tastes of Ghana course

        Wednesday 15th October was ‘Tastes of Ghana’ day at the Novelli Academy, and what fun it was! From the minute the guests arrived till the moment they left, the energy and atmosphere was one I will remember for a long time!!           We began with the usual welcome, teas, coffees and biscuits and chatted as guests wandered around the kitchen and enjoyed looking over the ingredients       &nbs...
  • Yam at Staples Corner

      Welcome to ‘Staples Corner’! I’m looking forward to sharing how I enjoy African staples like yam, plantain, cassava, cocoa yam, rice and sweet potatoes. They’re easy to find, easy to cook and a satisfying addition to your eating experience! I find they go down well with traditional dishes like savoury pies, roasts and stews, once you see how easy they are to cook, I’m sure you’ll find so many ways to enjoy them. Let’s start with yam. An excellent alterna...