Crispy squid


It’s one of those quick and easy dishes that press my ‘satisfying’ and ‘comfort’ buttons. I love just about all seafood.


raw squid, cleaned and ready for seasoning


Growing up next to the Atlantic Ocean we were spoilt for choice for fresh fish, straight out of the sea and brought to our door.



Raw squid, lightly seasone



In my recipe Crispy Squid with Pepper I simply season and fry it.





My only challenge is to try to stop everyone nibbling before it’s served. Although it’s quite funny to watch my sons’ attempts to divert my attention whilst they pinch a bit and then try to pretend they don’t have something very hot in their mouth… (Ed – why are you blowing in and out like that?).

Squid is also wonderful in seafood stews and one of those many ingredients that is available almost everywhere. It’s usually cleaned and ready to cook, all you have to do is slice and season.

Great finger food, just pick it and chew it.

3 Replies to "Crispy squid"

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    Avid fish eater September 4, 2014 (1:51 pm)

    Hi Patti

    this looks really good, I’m going to try it over the weekend. I might even have a go at Maa’s Tomato Sauce to dip it in.

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    Anna Mensah September 29, 2014 (8:38 am)

    mmmm crunchy-ly sumptuous! Cant wait to munch munch munch through till the plate’s empty!

  • comment-avatar
    Honni September 29, 2014 (3:56 pm)

    This looks so, so good. I must try the recipe, or maybe just book a date on one of your courses!!!!

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